Molly Metz
Ceramic Paintings
acrylic, flashe, nail polish, crayon, marker, oil pastel,
newsprint on canvas
55⅛ × 55 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, nail polish, crayon, marker, oil pastel,
newsprint on canvas
55⅛ × 55 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, newsprint on canvas
20 × 20 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, newsprint on canvas
20 × 20 in (50.8 × 50.8 cm), double-sided
Delay Delay Delay (Reverse), 2023
acrylic, flashe, newsprint on canvas
20 × 20 in, double-s
acrylic, flashe, nail polish, crayon, marker, newsprint
on canvas
72 × 54 15/16 in
acrylic, flashe, nail polish, newsprint, on canvas
35 × 33 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, nail polish, newsprint, on canvas
35 × 33 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, crayon, oil pastel, newsprint on canvas
77⅛ × 56⅝ in
Acrylic, Flashe, crayon, marker, oil pastel, newsprint
on canvas
25¼ × 25¼ in, double-sided
Acrylic, Flashe, crayon, marker, oil pastel, newsprint
on canvas
25¼ × 25¼ in, double-sided
Acrylic, Flashe, marker, oil pastel, newsprint on canvas
31 × 22 11/16 in, double-sided
Acrylic, Flashe, marker, oil pastel, newsprint on canvas
31 × 22 11/16 in, double-sided
Acrylic, flashe, oil pastel, newsprint, on canvas
20 × 20 in, double-sided
Acrylic, flashe, oil pastel, newsprint, on canvas
20 × 20 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, newsprint on canvas
20 × 20 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, newsprint on canvas
20 × 20 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, newsprint on canvas
13⅝ × 12 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, newsprint on canvas
13⅝ × 12 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, and newsprint on canvas
23 × 27 × 1½ in, double-sided
Acrylic, flashe, and newsprint on canvas
23 × 27 × 1½ in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, and newsprint on canvas
23 × 27 × 1½ in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, and newsprint on canvas
23 × 27 × 1½ in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, marker, oil pastel, nail polish, on
27 × 23⅛ in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, marker, oil pastel, nail polish, on
27 × 23⅛ in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, marker, newsprint, on canvas
27 × 23⅛ in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, marker, newsprint, on canvas
27 × 23⅛ in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, newsprint, and oil pastel on canvas
16 15/16 × 17 × 1 7/16 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, newsprint, and oil pastel on canvas
16 15/16 × 17 × 1 7/16 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, oil pastel, newsprint on canvas
20 × 20 in, double-sided
acrylic, flashe, oil pastel, newsprint on canvas
20 × 20 in, double-sided
Dare to Exist II, 2023 ppp
20 × 20 in, double-sid Dare to Exist I, 20
Acrylic, flashe, oil pastel, newsprint, on canvas
20 × 20 in (